Warren-Morrill House
1309 East Main Street

Built in 1853, this brick, Greek Revival style house was constructed for Franklin Warren, Mayor of New Albany from 1856 through 1859. In addition to his political career, the Honorable Warren was involved in the business venue of Plumer, Bushnel & Warren, iron dealers & ship chandlers and receiving & forwarding merchants. Franklin later became a partner in the agriculture & seed store of Goulding & Warren. He was also director of the First National Bank, one of New Albany’s first banking establishments.

By 1865, Dr. Wilbur F. and Mary Crawford Morrill purchased the home. Dr. Morrill was a dentist in New Albany. Mrs. Morrill was the daughter of prominent New Albany lawyer, Randall C. Crawford. When Ralph Waldo Emerson lectured in New Albany on February 14, 1866, he visited with the Morrill family and spent the night here.

sources: Explore New Albany